Rather than constantly pepper everyone with emails, I thought the most efficient way to provide pool updates might be to create a simple blog that you can check whenever you feel like it.
- Your $20 donation for each entry is greatly appreciated
- All donations must be received prior to the start of the MLB season unless previous accommodations have been agreed to
- For each entry, you will receive a "square" that designates a Red Sox score and their Opponent's score
- The squares will be drawn at random before the first game of the Red Sox season. After the squares have been assigned the results will be sent out to the group.
- Right before the All Star Game, I will reshuffle all of the numbers - this is so that the teams that got a bad draw still have a chance to win some money. It's a long season and it's even longer if you get stuck with 8-8 on the first draw. The All Star Game will be the first game under the "new" numbers
- The final scores for all games will be determined by the results posted to mlb.com
- If either team's score is in the double digits, the last number in their score is the one taken for the sake of the square (ie - Red Sox 11 - Orioles 3 would hit for the person with the "Red Sox 1 - Opponent 3" square)
- Any other issues that might arise will be resolved by me on a case-by-case basis and communicated to the group.
There will be a total of $2000 collected in donations for the pool (100 entries x $20/entry). All of the donations will be returned in the form of cash gifts based on the final scores of the Red Sox games for the 2011 season.
- The winner of opening day will receive a $125 gift
- The winner of each game against the Yankees (18 total) will receive a $20 gift
- The winner of each normal regular season game (143 games) will receive a $10 gift
- The winner of the All Star Game (Red Sox on your square = AL, Opponent on your square = NL) will get an $85 gift
No payouts will be made before all donations have arrived. Once all donations have been accounted for, the gifts will be disbursed after the All Star game and at the end of the regular season. Once all donations are in, you can request that I send any gifts you have accumulated at any point - just make sure I have your latest address and phone number.