Friday, July 29, 2011

Trade Deadline Wrapup

With the trade deadline quickly approaching, there are plenty of rumblings about the Sox trying to make a move, but nothing big seems eminent. With Buchholz's questionable status going forward, it might be good to get some pitching stability for the playoffs.  That said, the offense keeps rolling forward with 3 more double digit games this week.  All those folks that got low numbers are getting some extra "hits" because of the output.

Enjoy the games and have a great weekend!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to the Second Half!

The second half has started strong for the Sox and for some folks in the pool.  Here's to hoping for a very successful finish to the season!

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Squares: Post-ASB

Last Update of the 1st half!

Alright, the first half of the pool has come to a close.  I'll be running the algorithm to generate the new numbers in the next day or two, but wanted to give an update on where things stand up to now.

With that, here are all the winnings so far!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 games to go

Only 5 games left before the numbers get reshuffled!  For all those that haven't won yet, hopefully some new numbers will help with that.  For folks like Marissa and Dennis... enjoy your numbers while you can!!