Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Almost at the Half-way Point

A rough week has the Sox a game and a half behind the Yankees, but hey, they're still on pace for a 93 win season despite starting 2-10.  The Yankees probably aren't going to be able to keep things going at their current pace, so I think the Sox are in a pretty good spot right now.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Here's the latest update.  Good week for Kate as she managed to win on the same ticket in both a Red Sox win and a loss!  Go Sox!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another sweep

The Sox are on a roll right now.  After underperforming early in the season, they are likely overperforming a bit now.  Hopefully they keep it going long enough to even things out and build a decent lead in the AL East.

Big series in Tampa coming up this week - enjoy the games!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another long update

Sorry it's been so long - things have been hectic recently.
Here's the latest update - lots of winners :)
Red Sox are in first after sweeping the Yankees and all is well with the world again!