Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coming up on the last game!?

Alright, we're coming up on game 162 of the season (163 of the pool because of the All-Star Game).  If the Sox end up having to play an extra game, I'll throw in $10 to cover the extra game.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that and they win tonight while the Rays lose!

Once the season has ended, I'll cut checks ASAP to your "sponsor" so you can get paid!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Only 8 games to go!

The season is almost over and the pool will be wrapping up in a little over a week.
After that, I'll work with folks to figure the best way to get everyone paid as quickly as possible.
Still 8 more chances for those that haven't gotten on the board yet, including 3 $20 games against the Yankees.

Monday, September 12, 2011

16 games left to go

Coming down the home stretch and still getting some first-time winners!  Keepin' hope alive as the Sox stumble to the finish line.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Update TIme

Well, it's been a bit hit or miss for the Sox since the last update.  The schedule doesn't get much easier for the rest of the season, so it'll be interesting to see if they can find their way back into 1st place or not. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Long-time, no update

Alright, pretty big update coming here - I was away on vacation for part of it and then slacked off.
Since the last update, we had an interesting twist - the Sox had a makeup game against TB from a rainout in the first half of the season.  This is the first time we have had to deal with this, so I wanted to bring it to folks attention that since the game was played in the second half of the season, we're using second half scores to determine the winner.

Here are the latest winners...go Sox!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big ol' Update

Sox are on a roll and held on to 1st place after the series with the Yankees.
Several people managed to win multiple times since the last update - congrats!
Enjoy the games and go Sox!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Trade Deadline Wrapup

With the trade deadline quickly approaching, there are plenty of rumblings about the Sox trying to make a move, but nothing big seems eminent. With Buchholz's questionable status going forward, it might be good to get some pitching stability for the playoffs.  That said, the offense keeps rolling forward with 3 more double digit games this week.  All those folks that got low numbers are getting some extra "hits" because of the output.

Enjoy the games and have a great weekend!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to the Second Half!

The second half has started strong for the Sox and for some folks in the pool.  Here's to hoping for a very successful finish to the season!

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Squares: Post-ASB

Last Update of the 1st half!

Alright, the first half of the pool has come to a close.  I'll be running the algorithm to generate the new numbers in the next day or two, but wanted to give an update on where things stand up to now.

With that, here are all the winnings so far!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 games to go

Only 5 games left before the numbers get reshuffled!  For all those that haven't won yet, hopefully some new numbers will help with that.  For folks like Marissa and Dennis... enjoy your numbers while you can!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Almost at the Half-way Point

A rough week has the Sox a game and a half behind the Yankees, but hey, they're still on pace for a 93 win season despite starting 2-10.  The Yankees probably aren't going to be able to keep things going at their current pace, so I think the Sox are in a pretty good spot right now.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Here's the latest update.  Good week for Kate as she managed to win on the same ticket in both a Red Sox win and a loss!  Go Sox!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another sweep

The Sox are on a roll right now.  After underperforming early in the season, they are likely overperforming a bit now.  Hopefully they keep it going long enough to even things out and build a decent lead in the AL East.

Big series in Tampa coming up this week - enjoy the games!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another long update

Sorry it's been so long - things have been hectic recently.
Here's the latest update - lots of winners :)
Red Sox are in first after sweeping the Yankees and all is well with the world again!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finally, an update!

Sorry I haven't updated the pool in a little while.  Here is all the latest!
The Sox have been on a roll and Bre and Marissa have been adding to their winnings.
We're up to 4 people that have already turned a profit.

Enjoy the games!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

More results

6 more games in the books and no progress made in the standings.  Tough start of the season for the Sox, but at least some people are winning some money!  $20 games coming up this weekend for the Yankees series

Friday, May 6, 2011

Treading Water

Well, so much for that.  The Sox just can't seem to string together W's.  They lost the series to the Mariners and split with the Angels.  Hopefully they'll be able to turn it around against a Twins' lineup depleted by injuries.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bring on the Mariners!

Well, another couple series have passed with mixed results for the Sox.  They managed to climb out of the cellar with the win over the Orioles last night, but still find themselves 4 games out of 1st place.

Here are our latest pool winners:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Enough with the West Coast Games!

Getting tired of staying up late rooting for a 10-9 or 3-0 Sox win!  Here are the latest pool winners:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Patriot's Day

Look at that... a winning streak! 
The Sox are on a roll and so is Gerry Brown.  Gerry became the first 2x winner in the pool.  Each of his 2 squares has hit now.

Good luck and go Sox!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Back on Track!

Alright, after a brutal start to the season, it was nice to see the Red Sox win a series - against the Yankees no less.

The struggling Devil Rays come into Fenway for 3 games, so hopefully the Red Sox can win a couple games and get some momentum.

Speaking of winning, it was a good weekend for these folks:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Yankees Series!!

Alright, we've got our first Yankees series of the year.
Don't forget, payouts are 2x for these games, so the winners will take home $20 ea.

Go Sox!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to the Red Sox Squares Pool

Rather than constantly pepper everyone with emails, I thought the most efficient way to provide pool updates might be to create a simple blog that you can check whenever you feel like it.

  1. Your $20 donation for each entry is greatly appreciated
  2. All donations must be received prior to the start of the MLB season unless previous accommodations have been agreed to
  3. For each entry, you will receive a "square" that designates a Red Sox score and their Opponent's score
  4. The squares will be drawn at random before the first game of the Red Sox season. After the squares have been assigned the results will be sent out to the group.
  5. Right before the All Star Game, I will reshuffle all of the numbers - this is so that the teams that got a bad draw still have a chance to win some money. It's a long season and it's even longer if you get stuck with 8-8 on the first draw. The All Star Game will be the first game under the "new" numbers
  6. The final scores for all games will be determined by the results posted to
  7. If either team's score is in the double digits, the last number in their score is the one taken for the sake of the square (ie - Red Sox 11 - Orioles 3 would hit for the person with the "Red Sox 1 - Opponent 3" square)
  8. Any other issues that might arise will be resolved by me on a case-by-case basis and communicated to the group.


There will be a total of $2000 collected in donations for the pool (100 entries x $20/entry). All of the donations will be returned in the form of cash gifts based on the final scores of the Red Sox games for the 2011 season.
  1. The winner of opening day will receive a $125 gift
  2. The winner of each game against the Yankees (18 total) will receive a $20 gift
  3. The winner of each normal regular season game (143 games) will receive a $10 gift
  4. The winner of the All Star Game (Red Sox on your square = AL, Opponent on your square = NL) will get an $85 gift

No payouts will be made before all donations have arrived. Once all donations have been accounted for, the gifts will be disbursed after the All Star game and at the end of the regular season. Once all donations are in, you can request that I send any gifts you have accumulated at any point - just make sure I have your latest address and phone number.